Income test

The entitlement for reasons of equity relies on family composition and an income test on income from any source (retirement pension, work, rent) earned in the six months prior to the filing of the application.

The income allowed according to family composition as of as of Jan 01, 2025 is:

  • Insured person earning up to 57% of the average wage – NIS 7,590 .
  • Insured person with a spouse or a child earning up to 76% of the average wage – NIS 10,120 .
  • For each additional child or spouse, another 7% will be added to the 76% rate – NIS 932 .

The share of income exceeding above thresholds will be deducted from the allowance you are entitled to.

You will receive payment of a benefit if the balance equals more than 10% of the original entitlement.